It’s that time agian!

What time again? You ask, confused as to what i’m talking about, and probably how you even found this place.

Well, it’s 2am! And it’s been 4 months since my last activity on here! I am terrible at this!

The problem I have with this, is that while I want to commit to it. I just don’t  get enough time to stay up to 2am, copy + paste a draft I wrote after playing a game, and then changing almost every word because 2am brain is the best brain. And on top of that, i’d want to do this once a week, well, seeing as review copies don’t fly at my face, and I have limited budgets, I can’t exactly do that, even if I tried. I could review older games, yeah, but at the same time, while it’s fun to do, I would still like to generate traffic by using modern games that are more frequently searched up.

Another problem I have with keeping this website updated weekly is commitment to a game. Sometimes I just give up on them, or play other games for a while. Mafia 2 is an example of this, one day I decided to play a different game, never returning to Mafia 2 for 2 months, but I guess in-between that was the point where I had to re-format my drive, because my saves were not there, and to be honest, it’s a long game and I couldn’t be arsed with playing through the whole thing just to get to, what must’ve been the 2nd to last mission or something.

Anyway, rant/discussion/stupid thing over, my next review will either be Mirrors Edge Catalyst, HTC VIVE (Steam VR), or Planet coaster. And if it isn’t one of those things, see you in another 3-4 months for another one of these, uh, things. Once I get more free-time, I will let you know, and maybe we can actually get somewhere with this site.

Super Speedy Quick Review!

I am still alive, life is still annoying at the moment, but I shall try to carry on. Let’s do a quick review of a game, at 2AM, because why not?

Fallout 4. That game everyone has already made their mind up about and probably bought, meaning this review is pretty pointless. But i’m going to do it anyway, and nobody can stop me.

I last played this game exactly one month ago. But fear not, as this will actually help. How will it help? All the things that are memorable, I will be able to recall quite well.

Fallout 4 is a game about nukes, you hear a nuke warning, hide in a vault, and leave the vault. After that you can do whatever you want. Well, mostly what you want…

The first thing the game tells you to do after you leave the vault is go home. You can either go and do that, or not, it’s all up to you know, you can wander around, or follow the quests, the open world is now in your hands. I highly suggest doing the first few quests, you end up with a companion, a minigun, a mech-suit, and some civilians to create a new neighborhood with.

Now the game has taken off and is at maximum altitude. You are either the happiest person on earth, or me. I didn’t really like it. I’m the kind of person that goes straight to the point, so I did, I followed the main quest and finished the game in about 15 hours. It had a nice start I guess, the middle was the point where I said “I just want this to end now.” And the end made me sniff my nose. The journey was pretty dull as well, walk here, talk to this guy, walk to the enemy base, shoot guns, take reward.

I don’t quite know what I was expecting, but with all the hype, good reviews, and overall praise. I don’t think it met my expectations. My expectations were that, “It’s another bethesda RPG but supposedly it’s really good.” And well, it was good enough to finish, i’ll add that to the list of 3 RPG games that I actually got to the end of.

For a quick review this seems pretty long, i’ll sum it up now.

If you don’t currently own this game, wait for a good sale, I only played 23 hours of this game because I found it too repetitive and dull for my tastes. So if you go by one of those dollar/pound an hour methods, buy it for around £20/$20, it’s worth it at that price in my mind,  even if you don’t believe in dollar/pound per-hour, £20/$20 is still a good price to pick it up.


There, quick review over. Written at 2AM. Maybe next time i’ll write about my favorite game, Team Fortress 2, or maybe I wont. Even I don’t know these things. I’m gunna go sleep now.

I know….

I know that I haven’t put much on here at all recently. This is not out of neglect, the reason is, I can’t.

I haven’t got any new games that i’m interested in reviewing.

I haven’t had the time to review old games that i’m interested in reviewing.

My life is currently a mess.

I promise, once I get back ontop of my life, I can be more consistent.


If you’ve noticed I haven’t posted a single thing since July 15th, good work, you can notice things.

I’ve been busy with other things, and this review website was one of the first things that stopped due to that. I will post things very inconsistently, because that’s how life turns out. I do have reviews in the works. I also have a place at another site that does short, and straight to the point reviews. But more on that later…

As for now, expect something in the future, but not this week, or maybe even this month

Rocket League Review

I picked up Rocket League on the PlayStation store for free this week, and after finally getting around to playing it I can safely say that I would pay real money to watch rocket powered cars play football in a cage. Anyway, onto the review….

The controls are simple and responsive and the 5 minute tutorial teaches you everything you need to know about how to play the game and perform well at it. The cars feel light to maneuver but are heavy hitters, their jump and boost abilities add to the insane control you have in the air and on the ground. Boost pads on the ground and a cage with walls you can drive on allow for navigating to the ball to be smooth and fluid, using the walls to hit a airborne ball, and the boost to beat the opposition to the ball. Special moves such as a bicycle kick and a barrel roll allow you to  hit the ball from your side or rear, provided that you can aim it correctly.

The graphics on this game are amazing, cars look stunning and grass is not flat in this game, each map is hand crafted and unique. This game has deep customization with plenty of options to choose from such as cars, wheels and flags, all of this is optional and has no effect so you can make your favorite car without having to learn a different handling model each time you change a part. The trophies/achievements do seem a bit too easy to get, but I ain’t complaining too much, I love earning the platinum trophy.

I only have two problems with this game, the first one is the AI behavior, it’s terrible. The AI seems to have been programmed to take a direct line to the ball, and sometimes the player. This means if the ball is rolling towards your goal, your teammates will guide it in as they don’t seem to be able to stop it. Teammates and non-teammates seem to enjoy ramming you at every chance they get, I can’t tell you the amount of times I was rammed by a teammate because I stopped to line up a shot, it happens more against bots than real people. My second problem is that the game can only be played in short bursts. Sure, there are a nice amount of modes to pick, but they all revolve around the same thing. It’s not the games fault really, but I just like playing games for hours at a time, so for some this may not be a complaint.

A third problem I am yet to encounter is trolling, I haven’t seen it online yet, but i’m sure it won’t be long until I do, as there doesn’t seem to be any kind of griefing protection.

So, to shorten it all into a paragraph. Rocket League is a fun and unique game about insane rocket fueled football cage matches. It’s great to play in short bursts but only online, as the AI sucks as of writing. Customization is great and plentiful. This game also features cross play between PS4/PC, I don’t know how it works on the PC side, but on PS4 I didn’t need to sign up for any crap to play online, and it’d be great to play with friends that down own PS4’s.

So, my final verdict?

I say, go ahead and get this, it is FREE as of writing on PS+, and if you are reading this late, it has a low price that i’d say is worth every penny, this game is cheaper than most Team Fortress 2 unusual hats, even the crappy unusual’s, that’s how cheap it is. This game is FUN, yes, fun, that thing the big developers forgot about for a while, so i’m glad someone remembered.

So, what happens now?

Alright people, my Project Cars review is up, I am actually kind of happy with the end result, it is much better than what I expected. The next review shall have no announcement unless there is a review embargo, but I am not expecting any review copies soon, I have applied but I don’t think I will get it, so put your hopes down with a double barreled shotgun.

In the mean time, to keep you all entertained, here is a very interesting Youtube video by Game Theory.  

Project Cars Review

Here it is, the delayed Project Cars review. Man, it is a good thing I did delay it, they dropped a huge bomb that would have changed the verdict. Anyway, without any further delays, probably, I bring you, my review of Project Cars2015-06-12_00001 Project cars is a pretty good racing game, each car feels different, the heavier cars refuse to corner until you reach low speeds, and the lighter cars are more liable to spin out and ruin your day. As you drive along, your tires wear out and heat up, this changes the way the car drives, corners you used to be able to make may now become impossible unless you go slower. Also, when you go off the track, there is a short moment where you can feel the grass or sand coming off your tires if you have force feedback enabled, it’s great. Fine tuning your car actually makes a difference allowing you to drive into a wall the way you feel most comfortable with. Flags are in the game, but the yellow flag has a mind of it’s own, going off about 30 seconds after the incident is over, and everyone’s probably cleared it. Race restarts are missing however, and I can understand why, the AI is worse at driving than real people, and if you’ve played any racer online, you know how real people drive. All the cars handle in a way that i’d say was ‘realistic’ but dont fully trust my word for that, I don’t own a car, I just play a huge amount of racers, and frequently watch races at Brands Hatch. I don’t really know what else I can say about the gameplay , it’s a sim racer, what do you expect, people are saying it’s like Assetto Corsa, but I haven’t played that one. I can tell you it isn’t like iRacing’s latest build, you need to brake earlier in Project Cars, and sharing the road is harder to do. Honestly, just like every other simulator, you need to play it to make the comparison to other games.

The photo mode is also fantastic, filled with everything except for a free camera.
The photo mode is also fantastic, filled with everything except for a free-camera.

The graphics in this game are amazing, I was playing the game on ultra and the framerate hated me for it, so I turned off a few things and wow, a game running at 60fps on ultra while looking this good, that is incredible. Little details are also plentiful, after a drift, looking behind you shows a huge smoke cloud that stays on the map for a decent while. Once the smoke clears, the cars behind you can even get a nice look at the tyre pieces that blow away as a car zooms past. Some tracks also come with leaves on the track that act as physics objects with no framerate effect, it is obvious that most of the budget went into the engine that allows for those little pretty distractions. The sound is also amazing too, you can really feel the power in the cars, especially the Mustang when you put the pedal to the metal and hear its roar, and you can tell when it is time to shift up or down a gear from the cars noise alone. The problems I have with the game are plentiful, this is the part you’d want to read fully if you were only skimming the rest. My first issue with the game is the spawning of the cars, every time I launch a custom event or a multiplayer event goes to race mode, flying cars, cars rolling down hills, and multiple cars all clipped inside eachother on the grid are a common sight. What’s worse is that it is not just a glitch on your end, that real player is actually flying through space during the cutscene. Imagine if this happened at one of those real-time 24 hour endurance events, wrecking out before you can even rev the engine is never fun. My second issue is the damage model. I have it set to the most realistic setting, and it sucks. If you hit a wall at a high speed the worst that will happen is a wheel will come off, and most of the time that doesn’t happen, so you can happily drive away from a crash that would have killed a real driver. This proves to be very annoying in multiplayer races, as after a huge pile up, the last thing you want is the guy wedged in the tyre wall to be able to reverse out and hit you on purpose. My third issue is the selection of cars, it’s tiny! The car selector shows a list of cars and wow, there are not many of them to pick from. I will admit that the GT3 series has a decent amount of choice, but everything else has little to no choice at all.

While the car choices are small, at least there are a lot of choices so everyone can find their favorites.
While the car choices are small, at least there is plenty of different classes so everyone can find their favorite class.

So, first review over, what do I have to say about this game?

I say, Do not buy this game. This game has an amazing singleplayer mode once you figure out that the AI drive like real racers would. The multiplayer, in my opinion is only beaten by iRacing. So, why avoid this game? Aside from the issues I mentioned, after only two months of release, Project Cars 2 was announced, and it aims to be way more ambitious than the first game like a good sequel should. So, if you were interested in Project Cars and were planning on buying it, get the second one instead, and while you wait for Project Cars 2, buy yourself Assetto Corsa to fufil your singleplayer needs, and buy an iRacing subscription for your multiplayer needs. Also Project Cars 2 should have early access for early adopters, to make your wait even shorter.

E3 2015 Part 2 (16/06/2015)

As promised, part two. I changed things up a little here, I am now writing these as I watch the shows, so a game has to be amazingly uninteresting to not appear on this list of games at E3 I paid attention to, as opposed to part 1, where I only included games I remembered from the show, as I wrote it after the Ubisoft presentation


  • The Last Guardian: It looks like a puzzle game, but a pretty good one, I might pick this up. As long as they don’t focus too much on the cinematic aspect they showed off, it should be fun.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn: Wildlife made of robots, that is an awesome idea. I hope I can unlock a USB and put a virus on them, that’d be fun to watch.
  • Hitman: Lots of drama I see. Has something to do with the arctic, a movie premier, and a pool party.
  • Street Fighter V: Showing a ultimate combo like that makes me want to not get the game, I am not good at fighters, and I will only feel worse if someone does a combo like that to me.
  • No Man’s Sky: The map is HUGE, each spot on the map is a star, with its own solar system of planets you can visit, and each planet is open to explore.
  • Dreams: From the creators of Little Big Planet and Tearaway, comes Dreams, a game where you make levels by painting, and then watching your painting come to life. I have no idea how this is going to work, but then again, I have no idea on how to make Little Big Planet levels be something that is not a side scroller. This game looks insane, and after watching a livestream and gameplay trailers, I should be picking this up.
  • FireWatch: Looks like it will have a nice story with comedy moments, I will keep an eye on this.
  • Assassins Creed Syndicate: While the Ubisoft trailer showed off the male protagonist, the Sony trailer is showing off his deadly sister, Evie. Damn, she can fight.
  • Some Final Fantasy trailers played, but I saw the Square Enix Conference first, so see my views over there. The word ‘Remake’ appeared on screen and the crowd went crazy. What? Why? If you cheered like that, you’ve probably already played it.
  • Ronin, Mother Russia Bleeds, and Crossing Souls: They all look pretty cool, the other game Devolver announced, did not. I also was not a big fan of Hotline Miami 2, but I enjoyed the first one, so I know they can make good games.
  • Shenmue 3: The art design looks pretty good, and a kickstarter announced at E3 needs to mess up horrifically to fail, but then again, no gameplay, that could stop some buyers.
  • Arkham Knight: Playing as a cop, that dosen’t seem right in a batma- Oh what the, why are there zombies? Why is it a first person shooter? Odd, but once the trailer ends it makes sense, it’s a dlc.
  • Morpheus: Multiplayer VR? That sounds great, I am ready to be horrified when someone from the outside world wants to contact me, and I can’t see them.
  •  Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3: In a surprise turn of events, the COD team decides to choose PlayStation over Xbox. The idea of the 4 player co-op story returning is great, I missed that feature. Anyway, Call Of Duty is still the shooty shooty, death death game it has always been. No surprises in gameplay showed off, but I saw hints of some. Well, teleporting is in, now you don’t have to have a high ping to get the benefits of lag. Oh, and PlayStation stole the early access DLC that Xbox used to have, clearly the war is on.
  • Disney Infinity 3.0: Wow, using star was to hype up this announcement as we expected to see more Battlefront. Good job guys, you found out how to fail to meet expectations. The clapping was low on this one. Falling to the dark side of hype abuse, why would they even try it…
  • Star Wars Battlefront 3: At least that false hype from Infinity got delivered. Showing the new survival mode was a good idea, and it actually looks quite interesting. And hey, split screen multiplayer, brilliant.
  • Uncharted 4: This game was so impressive the controller couldn’t handle it and died. Well, that’s one strange way of showing off your game, restarting it because the controller didn’t work. Jokes aside, the game looks really good, i will pick this up as soon as i see those framerate problems begone.


  • Starfox Zero: Looks entertaining, but they confirmed you have to move the gamepad around to aim, well, that killed it for me. The second screen cinematic view looks cool. The transformations seem like a great idea, it allows for things to be freshened up a little. Oh, and this game is a reboot, so it is a good starting point for those that haven’t played the predecessors, like me.
  • Mario is having his 30th birthday this year, happy birthday to you Mario and Co. Mario maker looks fun, endless Mario levels
  • Donkey Kong and Bowser join the Skylanders crew with some special amiibo’s. Twist the base to swap between Amiibo, and Skylanders, that is pretty cool, 2 functions in 1.
  • Triforce Heroes: It looks fun, but a co-op game on the 3DS seems odd. The totem mechanic should bring some interesting levels, and changing your clothes to change how your character acts will bring replay-ability.
  • Hyrule Warriors Legends: It is basically Hyrule Warriros, De-mastered, moving from Wii U, to 3DS, but with all the dlc and some extras included. That isn’t a bad thing, and some people may want a portable version.
  • Metroid Prime. Federation Force: I like the idea of it, but why the 3DS of all things? The Wii U needs some love Nintendo…
  • Fire Emblem Fates: Looks like it has a good story to it, but it’s an rpg, and i dont have the patience to sit through an rpg.
  • Atlus: I have no idea, it was all in Japanese
  • Xenoblade Chronicles: Not really interested in this one, someone will like it somewhere.
  • Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer: What sort of niche market are you going for Nintendo? At least it looks like a relaxing game people could sink hours into
  • Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival: It’s Mario Party, but with Animal Crossing, and Amiibo’s.
  • Yoshi’s woolly world: Innocent fun with yarn, the Amiibo skins were a good idea. But after this, I don’t want to see any more yarn, got it Nintendo?
  • Yo-Kai Watch: An RPG, well, i’m gonna pass…
  • Mario and Luigi: Paper jam; It looks like a nice concept, i’m interested…
  • Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash: This is just ridiculous, and the fact that it’s gonna sell just dissapoints me.
  • Super Mario Maker: Combining the stuff from the old games, and allowing us to make levels. Didn’t i already say endless Mario levels looks fun. And the Amiibo power up is amusing. Showing us the behind the scenes of the Mario games was great, I want to know more about that too.

Square Enix

  • Just Cause 3 gets an explosive trailer to start the show. Michael Bay always grabs my attention.
  • Just Cause 3 gets a release date of December 1st and shows gameplay trailer.  Multiple grapple hooks, a retract button, wingsuits, even more destructive destruction, and a large amount of weapons. This game even has a Formula 1 car. They defiantly learned from Just Cause 2
  • Neir: It looks nice, but that’s all the trailer showed.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider: Some behind the scenes stuff was shown, I love seeing how games are developed, that’s why I wish more games would add developer commentary like Valve do.
  • Lara Croft GO: A turn based mobile game about Lara Croft. It looks amazing, but I haven’t played Hitman GO so I don’t know if it is freemium or not.
  • Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Nice trailer, but I won’t pick it up, i don’t like role play games.
  • Kingdom Hearts: Unchained Key. Sent some of the life audience crazy, then the gameplay showed up. Before they could burst into tears, the next trailer played…
  • Kingdom Hearts 3: Nice troll with the mobile game, Nicer trailer. Not my kind of game, but i’m sure alot of people were peeing themselves due to over-excitement at this trailer.
  • World Of Final Fantasy: Swapping between big and small, odd, but unique I guess. It’s an RPG, you should get it now, I don’t like RPG games.
  • Hitman: Ah, something I might like! Looks like they are going to make it like Blood Money, but on a bigger scale. Throwing crowbars at people looks fun, and planning the perfect assassination should be as fun as normal. Targets only appear once, so once you screw up, thats it, or once you kill them, they stay dead. Levels are also going to be continually added, that means once you memorize a level, a new one should be near complete, waiting for you to explore.
  • StarOcean: I liked the narration in the trailer, it tells me that the story is deep and enjoyable. But it’s an RPG, and I will have to pass on a story if I don’t enjoy the gameplay.
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: What if I told you, that I enjoy the Deus Ex games, dispite the fact that they are RPG games? You’d think i’m crazy, but it is true. Maybe it is the gameplay  mixed in with a story that I enjoy? Anyway, Mankind Divided… The lady at the booth said that choices matter more now, cool. The gameplay trailer was also shown, and hardly showed any gameplay, but the parts it did show, wow, just wow.
  • Tokyo RPG Factory.:A company dedicated to making RPG games, followed by concept art of their next game. I like the art style of it, but, it’s an RPG, so I probably won’t enjoy it. Unless it’s like Deus Ex.

That’s it for E3 2015, I enjoyed it, late 2015, and 2016 will be a good time for games.

And no, I have not forgotten about Bethesda, I just missed it’s live show, and haven’t got around to watching it yet, I will make a part 3 when I do.

Edit (5/4/16): Corrected a spelling mistake, changed the “.”‘s to “:”‘s because it annoyed me. My opinions mainly hold up on this stuff surprisingly enough. But I did notice that I didn’t really talk about the game for some of this stuff. It’s all in the past now, i’ll see if I can correct that issue for 2016.

E3 2015 Part 1 (15/06/2015)

I am going to summarize what i found interesting in the Xbox, EA, and Ubisoft conferences, tomorrow I will cover the Sony and Nintendo conferences, possibly Square Enix too. Anyway, let’s begin.


  • Forza 6 lowers the roof to show the new Ford GT, then raises the roof to show off the gameplay trailer. Honestly, now that project cars is out, I don’t think I will come back to the main Forza’s, not for a while at least. No amount of ugly Ford GT’s will make me change my mind, a pretty one could, I like the looks of the 2005 model, if I was given one of them, I would happily buy the game. (Wink wink, nudge nudge.)
  • Minecraft on the Hololens. Wow, that looks cool, playing Minecraft on your wall, wait why are you standing up? Why are you going towards the table? Why are you talking at the table? WHOA, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO, YOUR TABLE IS NOW A MINECRAFT WORLD. Yes, I wan’t one of these, the fact it is compatible with the phone versions makes it even better.
  • Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 was announced, this surprised me, see my opinions on the EA section.
  • Rare’s 30 games for $30. Holy crap I want this now, I’ve always wanted to play Conkers Bad Fur Day, and other classics from Rare.
  • Rainbow Six Siege showed off a new trailer, this one is passable, go watch the Ubisoft conference if you want to see this game in action.
  • A new Gears Of War was announced. I don’t remember it being a horror game, but if that is what it wants to be, I won’t stop it. When the monsters appeared, I told my friend who was also watching, that his mum had just appeared on screen.
  • A bunch of stuff that is exclusive to windows 10 instantly disinterested me, I am not getting your OS just because you announced some games for it, maybe later Microsoft, maybe later.


  • A new Need For Speed trailer comes out, followed by some gameplay. Trailer, great. Gameplay, not so great. The camera looks like it is drunk, the cars look like they will handle as badly as the cars in ‘The Crew.’ And the lack of smoke from tires better be fixed before the game comes out, or those terrible cutscene animations on the cars is going to bug me.
  • EA went on for ages about sports, i’m not interested in sports, so I don’t know what to point out really. The new animation model in the basketball one made me go ‘Cool I guess’ They were advertising their new context sensitive animation model Basically, an animation can end half-way through but blend into the next animation. I’m surprised it took them this long, but at least it is here now.
  • Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 took my by surprise when it was announced at the Xbox conference, but apparently 6 Million+ people played the original. I only played a short match on the original as part of ‘game time’ on Origin, but the sequel looks more or less the same, just with new characters and maps and all that stuff. I think it would have been better as a one hit spin-off.
  • That Minions game for mobile devices has a nice trailer, but, it is just another free to wait game, sadly.
  • Star Wars Battlefront III had a gameplay trailer and wow, that looks dramatic, but remember this was probably staged. I have not seen any of the movies, but flying around wrapping walking robot dogs in wires to make them fall over looks fun, and playing as the characters that I myself know while using ‘The Force’ seems fun. I enjoyed the second game when I played it at a friends, so I hope it lives up to expectations.


  • The new South Park game being announced right off the bat looked funny, but it better bring some gameplay that i’d find interesting next time, or I will just have to watch a play through to see all of the funny jokes. ‘The Fractured But Whole’ is the name of the game, and yes, I think they did mean to make it sound inappropriate. The show’s creators showed up to say how much they loved making the first game, and decided to make another. This one better also come with a trilogy of episodes that are secretly an advert for the game, like the first one did.
  • Trials fusion announces that you can now play as a cat that rides a fire breathing unicorn and holds a golden desert eagle
  • The crew adds monster trucks and dirt bikes amount other things, that may make me come back to it.
  • For Honor, a brand new game is announced, Vikings are awesome.
  • Rainbow Six Siege looks really intense, if it plays like Insurgency, it should be amazing with friends, terrible with strangers.
  • The Division demonstrates how the actual game will play out online, good job Bryan, or Ryan, or whatever your name was…
  • Ubisoft announced a city builder at some point, I forgot it’s name, but a city builder where you can go to the moon sounds fun on paper, and looks good in the trailer.
  • Trackmania Turbo shows off a new way to start the time trial, airdrop, sweet. Randomly generated tracks, sweeter. They said nothing about a pc version, but Rollercoaster Lagoon looks fun as hell.
  • Assassins Creed: Syndicate was shown off, cart chases are in, so are grappling hooks. Looks like there is new combat mechanics, but this wasn’t a gameplay trailer. If you really can recruit via pub fighting, that’d be sweet. They said this was “the first modern assassins creed game.” But, it is set in the 1800’s, how does that work?
  • Ghost Recon: Wildlands was announced by surprise at the end. Holy Knife in Hands this game looks fun, with friends, maybe on your own. And if you didn’t get the Knife in Hands part, watch the trailer.

Alright, that’s my opinions on the E3 conferences for today, I shall be back tomorrow for the other shows, I would watch Sony live, but 2am – 3:30 am is too late for me. I’m disappointing that Crackdown 3 wasn’t touched on, and that none of the company’s announced something exciting and then said “You can play it now for free!” EA access being the exception to this, I think I will give that a go at some point.

If I missed your favorite announcement, it’s because it didn’t interest me, wasn’t memorable enough, or because I missed the first 30 mins of the Microsoft show, but it looks like I only missed Halo 5 from there.

See you all tomorrow, with the next day of E3, I shall write the PlayStation interests as I watch it on YouTube, I will write about Nintendo while it is live, and Square Enix after it happens, on YouTube, as according to the schedule it goes on at the same time as Nintendo.

Later peeps…